The Giulia Erika Soria Fansklab

This blog is dedicated to a dear friend (look up the title so you’ll know her name).

I was just chatting with her on Facebook when I decided to make this blog and declare to my millions of followers (not true) that I’m a fan of her blogs. Reading her blogs keeps me entertained and encouraged to keep on writing. I also admire her randomness in her entries, basically talking everything from our senseless ramblings to entries that have “heart”, which she claims that she doesn’t have. You are heartless in other ways my friend, but not on your blogs believe me.

So now, it has been a habit of mine to visit her site everytime I’m online, hoping that a new entry will be up, and I’ll remind her to make a new one if there’s none. (as if I’m paying her to make blogs, haha)

Aaaand… It turned out that it’s not just me who follows her blog, there other four faithful followers. I personally know the two of them, and I told her I have to meet the other two who’re college friends of hers.

And this is where the Giulia Erika Soria Fansklab begins. 🙂

Keep ’em coming sistah!

Visit her site for crying out loud:

One thought on “The Giulia Erika Soria Fansklab

  1. Weeell, that’s a good idea. Pay me for my blogs! HAHA. But thank you for this. You just encouraged me to be more random. HAHA.

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