Preferences and A Work in Progress

A few weeks ago I watched a couple of movies titled The Raid: Redemption and The Raid 2. Both of the movies were action-packed and was filled with violently insane stunts and action sequences. The protagonist uses a martial art called “Pencak Silat” and in my opinion it is one of the deadliest martial arts out there.

The Raid: Redemption. Bone-Crunching, Blood Spilling, Face Cringing movie.

The Raid: Redemption. Bone-Crunching, Blood Spilling, Face Cringing movie.

The Raid 2. Same caption as the first one but in ALL CAPS

The Raid 2. Same caption as the first one but in ALL CAPS

After watching these two movies, or rather, while watching these I just found myself cringing in some of the action sequences as I can hear bones cracking, blood spilling all over the place (and the fights usually occurs on an OCD-clean room which does not help at all) and the characters grimacing in pain. The thing is, I used to like these kinds of scenes. Before, during these sequences, I usually scream in my mind, “OHHH! Come on! Punch him to the nose! You deserve that! Haha! ARRRGH BREAK HIS BONES!!!“.

I guess I am beginning to have a different taste when it comes to movies I want to watch.

Also, I guess I kind of relate this experience into our, or should I say my walk with Christ. Since I began my relationship with Jesus and my journey as a Christian, there have been changes that happened to me, some small, some are big and dramatic. The things removed from my system are the ones that are not pleasing to my Father’s eyes and I began to do things that are according to His will and commands.

That being said, there are still things that I unconsciously or sometimes consciously do that are sinful and makes God do a face palm and say, “Really? Again, Cy?”. It makes me really sad and guilty when these things happen and sometimes I just want to go in a corner and mope and sulk saying “I do not deserve to be called a Christian so I’m just gonna stay here and cry.”

Thankfully I have learned to rely on God’s grace and continuous power in transforming us into becoming more like Christ-like. Through a lot of Bible-reading, prayer and company with friends who share the same faith, I began to realize that making the occasional mistakes does not mean you’re not being a bad Christian. The fact that you realized and repented about it than making excuses and setting it aside is already a fact that there’s progress in you.

With this, I believe that in due time you will be transformed into becoming a better person that has a heart after God’s own, always aiming to please Him and give glory to Him. You’ll be surprised when you see someone do something that is considered as a sin (say, robbing a bank, LOL) and then you’ll realize that you used to do that and even more surprised after realizing that you don’d even do that anymore.

Going back to my movie preferences, I guess I need to reduce my hardcore action movie-watching. I just hope I don’t get completely transformed into becoming a chick-flick lover kind of guy.



Key verses

2 Corinthians 3:18

Philippians 1:6

Picture creds:

Here and here