Wired up to sleep.

Inabot nanaman ako ng liwanag at gising pa ako.

Actually, this is already the 2nd day that I’m like this. Obviously I still have enough energy as I am still able to write something and for the first time, using a mobile device (Cue in canned applause). I only use WP mobile if I want to catch up on blogs I follow but since I am trying my very best to catch that elusive sleep, I’ll resign in using this than getting up and do a tap tap away on my laptop.

Situations have happened that resulted in this messed up body clock. One is that my afternoon nap turned into sleep into OVER-sleeping yesterday because the power was out amd I had nothing else to do. Add the fact that it was raining and it greatly reduced the things that I can do at that time.

Another thing is a lot has been going on my mind. I may be over thinking on a lot of things that involves my future and it really robs my sleep.

Anyway, while I was writing this I just remembered this Bible verse:

Mat 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

And here I go again hogging all my problems when I have this Father who owns the whole universe and in charge of everything AND willing to take over  whatever I’m burdened.

And with that, time to sleep.


Good Morning, ho hum.

Preferences and A Work in Progress

A few weeks ago I watched a couple of movies titled The Raid: Redemption and The Raid 2. Both of the movies were action-packed and was filled with violently insane stunts and action sequences. The protagonist uses a martial art called “Pencak Silat” and in my opinion it is one of the deadliest martial arts out there.

The Raid: Redemption. Bone-Crunching, Blood Spilling, Face Cringing movie.

The Raid: Redemption. Bone-Crunching, Blood Spilling, Face Cringing movie.

The Raid 2. Same caption as the first one but in ALL CAPS

The Raid 2. Same caption as the first one but in ALL CAPS

After watching these two movies, or rather, while watching these I just found myself cringing in some of the action sequences as I can hear bones cracking, blood spilling all over the place (and the fights usually occurs on an OCD-clean room which does not help at all) and the characters grimacing in pain. The thing is, I used to like these kinds of scenes. Before, during these sequences, I usually scream in my mind, “OHHH! Come on! Punch him to the nose! You deserve that! Haha! ARRRGH BREAK HIS BONES!!!“.

I guess I am beginning to have a different taste when it comes to movies I want to watch.

Also, I guess I kind of relate this experience into our, or should I say my walk with Christ. Since I began my relationship with Jesus and my journey as a Christian, there have been changes that happened to me, some small, some are big and dramatic. The things removed from my system are the ones that are not pleasing to my Father’s eyes and I began to do things that are according to His will and commands.

That being said, there are still things that I unconsciously or sometimes consciously do that are sinful and makes God do a face palm and say, “Really? Again, Cy?”. It makes me really sad and guilty when these things happen and sometimes I just want to go in a corner and mope and sulk saying “I do not deserve to be called a Christian so I’m just gonna stay here and cry.”

Thankfully I have learned to rely on God’s grace and continuous power in transforming us into becoming more like Christ-like. Through a lot of Bible-reading, prayer and company with friends who share the same faith, I began to realize that making the occasional mistakes does not mean you’re not being a bad Christian. The fact that you realized and repented about it than making excuses and setting it aside is already a fact that there’s progress in you.

With this, I believe that in due time you will be transformed into becoming a better person that has a heart after God’s own, always aiming to please Him and give glory to Him. You’ll be surprised when you see someone do something that is considered as a sin (say, robbing a bank, LOL) and then you’ll realize that you used to do that and even more surprised after realizing that you don’d even do that anymore.

Going back to my movie preferences, I guess I need to reduce my hardcore action movie-watching. I just hope I don’t get completely transformed into becoming a chick-flick lover kind of guy.



Key verses

2 Corinthians 3:18

Philippians 1:6

Picture creds:

Here and here

Valentines Day

Yup, it’s that time of the month again.

I don’t know if you noticed this but every year the hype on Valentines Day goes nowhere but up. It’s being too sensationalized by the mainstream and social media where in fact as far as I can remember during the late 90’s to early 2000’s:

“Hindi naman ganito dati yung hype nung bata ako ah”

I don’t know, maybe it’s just me or probably when I was younger I was not really thinking about those kind of stuff. But now, It’s just that everywhere I go and look people are going above the ‘right amount of crazy’ when it comes to this day.

I get it. Everybody wants and deserves to be loved. I too want and need to be loved. Being loved and loving someone is one of the greatest things that one can have and do in his or her life.


If at this moment you do not have a special someone, a wife, a fiance, a boyfriend, girlfriend… Or if you just feel unloved, remember:

1 John 3:16 NIV

“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.”

Jesus loves you. He loves you so much that He was willing to die for you and your sins. He loves you so much that even if you do not deserve it, he still did it. I pray that this Valentines day you will never feel unloved and I hope that this verse will not just be a lame excuse for you because you have no date or a significant other on this day.

Oh and by the way, check out the 2nd part of the verse. If you do not a date then as a suggestion why not try to do some ARK or Act of Random Kindness to other people who need to be loved as well? You can offer your time, give something or if you have an extra, donate some monetary support.

How? Check out this links:



Identity / Security

This topic has been nagging me for several months now but due to laziness and other things, it’s only now that I am able to lay this entry down.

In a fast-paced and dynamic society that we presently live in, it is not unusual for people to find themselves something or someone they can identify with. Be it a celebrity or an inanimate object, we usually feel good if we find something or someone that we can identify with.

The issue is this: I’m quite certain that almost all people know that there is nothing permanent in this world and yet, people try so so hard to find their identity and security on these non-permanent things:


In the last UAAP Cheerdance Competition, a lot of people were expecting that this certain university will bag the first place. Almost everyone was saying that it will almost be a no contest because this university has already won several times and they were not seeing any threats from other institutions.

Then BAM. They lost.

The same thing goes for the basketball teams and their fans who shout their lungs out during the matches. Students even lash each other out on social networking sites, talking trash and making an excuse that it is called school pride. Sure, school pride is good but why do students get disappointed, depressed or angry for a few weeks if their team loses as if they have put their hope and future on their school alone? Maybe you’re saying that I’m just bitter or jealous that I came from a poor-and-almost-inadequate state college that’s why I’m able to say this and that I don’t know anything.

Well, maybe. 😉

Maybe they lacked practice. Maybe they were under a lot of pressure. There can really be no concrete answer. But the example I gave just shows that you can never, be it a person or an institution really remain on top of the pedestal. Once your on the top the pressure will you eat you to remain on the top.

Gadgets and Tech:

Guilty as charged.

Samsung, Apple, LG, Sony, Cherry Mob.. Hmm.

These are some of the tech companies that are on a constant race on who will release “The Next Big Thing”. Almost on a monthly basis they release new gadgets like mobile phones, flat TV’s, etc. that make our lives a lot easier. People nowadays try their best to be in the trend with the latest gadgets, as if they see their worth based on the mobile phone that they have.

You’re considered as Mr. Awesome if you have an Apple Xperia Galaxy G II Phone. (Wait, what?)

Just so you know, I love technology. I’ve been praying for a decent laptop for an N number of years now but I still don’t have it (Update: I got it!). I’ve been drooling over a phone that has touch-less control that can make a call without even touching it. It’s not available in the Philippines, but be it available, I will not be able to afford it.

Yes, aside from point #1, people (including myself) identify themselves based on the technology that they have on their homes or at the palm of their hands. Once again, this is not bad at all. Given a choice, I too will love to have something that will make my life a lot easier, like checking on Facebook without going to a computer shop. But the thing is we rely too much in it. We forget how to interact in an old-fashioned way, people lose sleep because they just cannot tapping that refresh button to see if their friends have updated their statuses, if your favorite celebrity tweeted something interesting.


“Greener Pastures”

These two words have become so common during job interviews especially in BPO’s. Young professionals (again, including myself) hop from one job into another searching for better offers, salary and benefits. I used to work for an NGO and now I am working in one of the, let me say BPO’s with a good reputation. It’s pretty obvious that what I have been receiving when I was working in an NGO is nothing compared to what I am receiving now. I mean it should not even be compared.

Here are some questions though:

Is your job going to secure you in the future?

Does hopping from one occupation to another will make you contented?

Are you even sure that given your company’s stability, will it never ever close and become bankrupt?


I only named 3 but there are still a lot of things and factors out there that people chase desperately just find their identity and security. Sadly most of their lives end without coming even close to it. As a Christian, here’s something I realized:

Philippians 3:8 (New International Version)
8 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that you should be detached to the modern world unless you want to be a caveman. What I am trying to point out is that we must make it a point to find our identity in The One who created us. We should find our security to The One who despite our sin and flaws chose to save us. Whatever this world has to give, however enticing, is nothing and will never come close to the identity and security that Christ has given us when he died on that cross.

Psalm 62:1-2
1 Truly my soul finds rest in God;
my salvation comes from him.
2 Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.


Obedience Begets Blessings

James 1:25

But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.

Genesis 22:18

“and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because you have obeyed me.”

Lately I have carried these two verses about obedience to God and the rewards in doing so in my heart. These 2 verses that literally changed the season that I am in right now. I gotta tell you, it feels awesome.

I’ve been a Christian for a while now, for almost 7 years to be exact. In all those years there have been lots of compromises and struggles that I encountered, most of them I put myself into. I primarily know the essence of obeying God’s commands and the benefits of it, but the thing the ways of the world always won me over. That’s right, I admit it but not proud of it.


Where are the blessings?

I already said earlier, I’ve been a Christian for quite a while now. A ‘follower’ of Christ. I can also say that I have a personal relationship with him. But here’s the catch: I have a lot of things that I’ve been praying for. Things that are not necessarily for me but for other people. Still, God seems to be quiet in my prayers.

So I asked: “God, what’s going on?”



Little did I know one of the primary reasons that I have not received any answers to my prayers is because of the one thing that I believe it’s not just my struggle. Sometimes you have been Christians for so long that we feel that:

– It’s ‘okay’ to do this. God will understand.

– It’s ‘okay’ if I do this once, it doesn’t mean that I’ll stray away from God’s will.

– It’s ‘okay’ to this once, I’m already feeling impatient and I think doing this will make God realize that this blessing is really for me. (Really now)

** Newsflash. It’s not okay. It never was and it never will.**

God has a different way of giving us our blessings. He loves and is very eager to bless us but the issue is how are we going to fully enjoy God’s blessings if we do it in our way. The bible clearly states in Matthew 6:33 to seek first HIS KINGDOM, but stubborn as we are, there are a lot of times that we seek it last, after we have exhausted all of our ways to get what we need or want. Do you think that God will still bless us after we have done this? Yeah sure, but I feel that there will be a lot of pruning that needs to be done (John 15)

Well as for me, failed relationships, lying about it to other people and doing things my own way are just one of the few ‘compromises’ that I have done. Take note, I was already a Christian when I did this and it really left me spiritually drained.


Obedience is Key

We are created to have rational thinking, to be practical and to have our own free will. These things are good but there are just times these ‘human qualities’ get the best of us. We tend to think that that because of these we are better off alone and we can do better.

Nope, we don’t. In 1 Corinthians 1:25 it says that God’s foolishness is wiser than men (even wiser than the wisest of men, let’s say Einstein, Socrates, Plato or Darwin).

God created us to be like Him, but we can never be HIM meaning we will always be susceptible to straying away from Him. To prevent this, obeying His word is a must and in turn, blessings after blessings will pour out in our lives, in every aspect of it. (Again, check John 15 and the 2 verses above). I know I did and God did bless me.


PS: I know it’s hard.

I know, no doubt about it. It’s hard especially since we are still living in the world. Now, don’t be discouraged if once or twice (or even 49076210958263 times, but lets not get to that point, haha)  if you fail unintentionally or even intentionally to obey God’s commands.

There’s Grace, through His Son who died for us. And with this kind of grace, obeying God the father will be a lot easier. (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Time Will Come That I Have to Write About This

Feb 4

It’s already February. Looking back on the past month I’ve been pretty active in blogging. Well that’s new.

Yeah, I know, I know. It’s that time of the year again, the ‘love month’ as they say. It’s the time where, aside from Undas, vendors at Dangwa are happy. It’s that time where Hershey’s and other chocolate bar manufacturers are happy. It’s the time where women with dates are expecting a surprise, uh well, I wouldn’t call it a surprise if it is expected but… And the men are thinking of ways on how are they going to impress their dates.

Relationships. Boyfriend – Girlfriend. I am quite sensitive when it comes to this topic because in my honest opinion this is something that needs to be taken seriously. Being a goofball, I try my best to steer away from this kind of topics because I know that I am not the man to ask when it comes to these things. Maybe you’re asking, why so sensitive?


I do not have a good track record when it comes to relationships. I’ve had 3 girlfriends and all of their hearts were broken by yours truly. I am not proud, I am just telling you this whoever you are reading this right now (but I guess that wouldn’t be a lot because I’m so famous) to set an example to you men and so that you women will guard your hearts even more from men like me. Nowadays the meaning of friendship and relationship statuses have been so watered-down by social media and can be changed by a single click.

– You and your best friend argued? Click unfriend.

– You and your GF for (n) years fought over a something superficial? Click change relationship status to single

– You just got in a relationship? Change your relationship status to Engaged. Seriously?

Agree with me on this

The problem at this present time is how low we’ve come in taking relationships in general for granted. Again, let me make it clear that I too was a victim of of this and I am not writing this because I am so perfect and I know it all when it comes to this subject. Today we value friendship/relationship like a disposable diaper. Sorry for the example but basically that’s just about it. At first it’s okay and comfy and worry-free but then once it has taken uh well, CRAP that’s the time where the problem begins. Just like diapers, we throw it away and replace it with a new one. It’s a vicious cycle.

Feb 5 (You’re probably wondering what’s with the dates. Newsflash, I cannot finish a blog in a single seating so… there. Plus I do not have a regular access to the internet)

Relationships have become disposable and slowly losing it’s value. I myself fell on this trap. I wasn’t aware that if I am not able to gain something from a  “friend” I, consciously or unconsciously, begin to drift apart from him/her. In short, I was selfish and an opportunistic idiot. We tend to look for something what we can gain when we start a relationship/friendship. I don’t think it’s entirely wrong but I guess we should also think what we can contribute for that person who we are befriending.

How to love or make friends the right way?

Love. Like. Jesus. – This guy established relationships with people without thinking for his own welfare. He befriended people so that he can make them fishers of men. He befriended a tax collector and made him a witness of His greatness and equipped him so much that he was able to write His accounts. He even served his 12 closest pals by washing their feet.

I know, it’s easy for us to say that we can do that, we can put the welfare of others ahead of us. But when confronted with a difficult situation, will you be able to stand by the things you said and claimed? Yeah right. I know for a fact I didn’t.

I guess what I am really trying to say is to love right is to make your needs less valuable that your partners or friend. That’s what Jesus did, and we’re taught to be Christ-like, that’s why we’re called Christians. I learned this lesson the hard way. Three times. Trust me you do not want that.


**There are still a lot of things that I want to share about this matter. As usual my mind’s a mess and I am currently at work while I’m doing this so I guess there’ll be additional entries with the same subject.

Romans 13:10

Philippians 2:1- 11

1 John 3:16


Between the Raindrops – Lifehouse

I have this tendency to put a current favorite song on repeat-1 until I find another song that I’ll put on  repeat-1. Yup I’m OC like that.

By the way I love rock-alternative songs, songs that has a rock feeling in it but still  you can understand it’s lyrics. Well, lately I’ve been engrossed to a couple of songs, Matchbox 20’s Overjoyed and lately Daughtry’s Start of Something Good.

Then lately I found myself head-bouncing over Lifehouse’s Between The Raindrops. I actually heard this song before on a famous radio station but I really did not pay attention to it because it’s quite a deviation from their genre. I was used to a more hard-hitting music from them, so after listening to this I was like: Lifehouse doing a sing-song-ish-happy-from-the-start-music-and-even-featured-a-pop-artist? Meh.

Then I got the chance to just read the lyrics. It’s my new favorite music now.

Sometimes I imagine as if someone higher, someone more powerful is singing me this song.

Someone like Jesus. 🙂

Lyrics: (http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/lifehouse/betweentheraindrops.html)

Look around
There’s no one but you and me
Right here and now
The way it was meant to be
There’s a smile on my face
Knowing that together everything that’s in our way
We’re better than alrightWalking between the raindrops
Riding the aftershock beside you
Off into the sunset
Living like there’s nothing left to lose
Chasing after gold mines
Crossing the fine lines we knew
Hold on and take a breath
I’ll be here every step
Walking between the raindrops with you

Take me now
The world’s such a crazy place
When the walls come down
You’ll know I’m here to stay
There’s nothing I would change
Knowing that together everything that’s in our way
We’re better than alright

Walking between the raindrops
Riding the aftershock beside you
Off into the sunset
Living like there’s nothing left to lose
Chasing after gold mines
Crossing the fine lines we knew
Hold on and take a breath
I’ll be here every step
Walking between the raindrops with you

There’s a smile on my face
Knowing that together everything that’s in our way
We’re better than alright

Walking between the raindrops
Riding the aftershock beside you
Off into the sunset
Living like there’s nothing left to lose
Chasing after gold mines
Crossing the fine lines we knew
Hold on and take a breath
I’ll be here every step
Walking between the raindrops with you
Between the raindrops with you
Between the raindrops with you

Between the raindrops with you

My interpretation

Singer: Jesus

Raindrops: Struggles, problems, challenges, issues

Fave line: Hold on and take a breath, I’ll be here every step, walking between the raindrops with you

Amazing how God speaks to us through songs, even on the secular ones.

PS: FYI, Jason Wade is a Christian so it’s not really surprising that he can write songs like this.

Deuteronomy 31:8

1 Peter 5:7

Psalm 55:22

1 Chronicles 28:20


First of all, I’m using my aunt’s VAIO, so awesome.

Okay, let’s get to the point. I’m so blessed this year. So blessed that it overflowed and others were blessed. The Lord is just full of goodness and awesomeness that 2012 was a year where I learned so many lessons, experienced more of Him and received tons of blessings from Him. Yes I faced trials and challenges, but the assurance that I have God on my side and that He’ll sustain me no matter what is good enough for me to face them head on.


One of the lessons that I learned (and still learning) is patience. I am an impatient guy, I hate it when people are late or when the things that I expect to arrive don’t come. I question the Lord when the things I pray for are not answered right away. I even hate it when it takes a long time for people ahead of me in McDonalds take their sweet time to order their food. Tapos bandang huli sundae and fries lang oorderin?

Psalm 37:34  Wait for the LORD and keep his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the land; you will look on when the wicked are cut off.

Boom. Keep His way. That’s what I missed. Blessings are delayed if we do not keep God’s commands while waiting for the things that we pray for. Things end up in a mess when we force things on our own and you’ll just end being hurt or worse, people around you getting hurt as well.

Experiencing more of Him.

Nothing beats the feeling of basking in God’s presence. God used mighty men and women that when I look at them, I see Jesus. Being in their company makes me feel so secured and happy that even though we came from different walks of life, different backgrounds and pasts, different stories to tell, we still have THAT common ground — The knowledge of Jesus Christ saving us from the pits of sin and lifting us up, right next to The Father.

Hebrews 10:25 Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Encouraged. Such an understatement when I am with this group of people. God bless you guys. God bless Tribu Ni Bro.

Received Tons of Blessings that I became a channel

Guess what, I still do not have that dream laptop. I still do not have that dream DSLR. I still do not have that car. What I have is way better than that – my parents’ salvation

Just a few weeks apart, both my parents came and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. There’s nothing I can ask of you, Lord. I did not even ministered to them. It was my aunt who became instrumental on their salvation. Now I can talk freely to them about Jesus Christ. Now I can start to have conversation with my dad about the service that he attended, such an uplifting and awesome feeling.

Then there’s my aunt and her NGO, GALAK. It just started a few months ago and she’s already feeding almost 200 kids. Weekly. A lot of times out of her paycheck. I consider this a blessing because seeing  these kids and their situation makes me appreciate with what I have. I was also able to contribute my time serving with this ministry

Of course there’s my job. Yeah a lot of times I’m grumpy when dealing with the customers, but I love this job. I had salary increases, commendations and because of that I was able to be a channel of blessing for the first time ever.

Acts 20:35 In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Now all these, the things I wrote, the things I shared on this blog will not be possible if not for that event that happened to me more than 3 years ago. My salvation. I was at rockbottom when my aunt asked me to go with her to church. The rest was history. Now I am standing, head held high because of His grace. So here I am Lord, all ready and set.

Bring it on 2013. Bring. It. On.

First Time in Like, Ever!

“There’s a first time for everything”

Well, this is one of those. I’m working on a Christmas Day! No surprise here, I knew that sooner or later I’ll get into this situation. I had to sleep early, eat early and greet my aunt and some of the neighbors in advance a Merry Christmas.

I started on this job last December 26, 2011 and it was one of the blessings that I received. God did not allowed me to end the year unemployed. Now this Christmas, after several memos, a couple of salary increases and a epic 19-day suspension, I’m still here!

At first, I was kinda sad that I will be working my butt off on a holiday. I hated the fact that I will be dealing with grumpy customers with superficial gaming issues. I know, I know they are customers and if not for them I’ll be out of job, but please, it’s okay to skip a day of playing to enjoy the holidays. Gah.

Another factor that makes me sad in working in the holidays is this is the first time that I won’t be able to be with my aunt, parents (if they decide to visit in Marikina) siblings and other relatives. Just having a simple fellowship with them makes me happy. Gifts are a bonus but being with them usually completes my Christmas. *sob*

But then in the end, whatever good I missed today and the work-related-bad-things that I am having right now are nothing compared to what I have and is already embedded in my heart and mind.

Jesus Christ.

He is born today. I don’t care whatever the scholars and experts say that He was born on a different time of the year. He is born to fulfill a promise: to save you and I from the pitfalls of sin. That alone is enough for me to celebrate and be joyful whatever my circumstance or the situation I’m in right now.

Time to stop sulking. Jesus is born. And it’s double-pay today.

Isaiah 9:6

For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

The End is Where We Begin

Lately I’ve been listening to a song from a Christian rock alternative band Thousand Foot Krutch and I have to say that their songs from their new album, “The End is Where We Begin” is far better than their previous songs. When I’m going to work, I listen to them.  I listen to them while at work when I want to be in isolation. Going home, I almost always make sure that that one of their songs is the first one to be played.

One particular song that really caught me is the title of the album itself. The author speaks about his transformation and his determination of leaving his own self to be a better person.

I’m an alien
Cuz I’m not of this world
I have a name
but I’ve been changed, and now I can’t stay the same
and I’m a loser if that means I’ve been lost before
but now I found it, I’m surrounded
Cuz you can hear the way it sounded

When I listen to the chorus I also believe that the author is trying to imply what Jesus’ unconditional love for us and he because He loved us so much that he had to die (end) in order for us have a clean slate (begin) again.

The end is where we begin
It’s crawling back when
We run away, run away
cuz the end is where we begin
Where broken hearts mend
and start to beat again
The end is where we begin

In short (haha), I’m just so thankful for this men of God that I still get to listen to one of my favorite music genre and manage to get my soul filled with a positive message. In times like this, this is the kind of music that needs to fill the airwaves, dominate the charts and become number one hits. I am hopeful that in due time, I will see songs like this being declared as the number one song on the Billboard Hot 100.

For more info of the Band: http://thousandfootkrutch.com/

The songs a little bit heavy metal. Best played when the volume’s up. Harhar.

…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Romans 3:23-24 (NIV)